CTSI Pitt+Me
The CTSI Pitt+Me Research Participant Registry enrolls children and adults from among UPMC’s >6M patients as well as community member volunteers, all of whom self-report an interest in participating in research and agree to be contacted about specific studies for which they may be eligible. Our proprietary algorithm automatically generates participant to study matches based on ICD-10 diagnosis criteria from the UPMC electronic health record and/or self-reported preferences, such as an interest in cancer-related studies. Automatically generated personalized recommendations are sent directly to participants via email and/or United States Postal Service (USPS). Participants can pre-screen for studies either online or via our Call Center, allowing only potentially eligible participants to be referred to study teams for further screening. Study teams will be able to conveniently follow up on participant referrals through the Pitt+Me Study Portal Dashboard. The Pitt+Me Registry serves as a connection between those interested in participating in research and study teams recruiting participants for their research.