Date: Tuesday, May 6, 2025
About This Event
There will be two keynotes engaging with implementation research from different but interacting perspectives:
Joie Acosta, PhD, senior behavioral scientist at RAND and a community and cultural psychologist, will be speaking about community engagement in implementation research.
Byron Powell, PhD, LCSW, Co-director of the Center for Mental Health Services Research at the Brown School and of the Dissemination and Implementation Research Core at the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences of Washington University, St. Louis, will be speaking about the identification and refinement of strategies for implementation of evidence-based practices in health and social care.
Tentative Agenda:
11:30-12:00 - Lunch buffet open at the University Club, Ballroom B
12:00-1:30 – Keynote lectures, discussion
1:30-2:00 - Networking, tabling with D&I Resources
2:00-4:00 - Concurrent tracks:
- Implementation Science 101 (with Shari Rogal, MD, MPH)
- Applications of CFIR 2.0, the updated Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (with guest lecturer Caitlin Reardon, MPH)